Thursday 7 May 2009

I agree with this subject it is annoying when your trying to study in the libary and there is someone snoring. Don't they realise that a libary is for reading, researching or studying not sleeping if they want to sleep why don't they go to bed and stop disturbing the people trying to work. It is not fair to other people to be making so much noise when they have work to do.

Cruelty to Animals

Cruelty to animals refers to the infliction of suffering or harm to animals as an in and of itself. However, it has also been defined as causing harm for a specific gain such as killing animals for food or fur.

There have been two approachs to the issue of animal cruelty: -


They believe there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes,
such as:
but that it should be done in a humane way that reduces unnecessary suffering.


They criticize animal welfare position by arguing that the words "unneccessary" and "humane" are subject to widely differing interpretations.

Films are known for cruelty to animals just for the purpose to entertain the audience. Films such as Rambo 3 and The Thirteenth Warrior used tripwires against horses and in the film Apocalypse Now an ox was nearly sliced in half.

Is this cruelty to animals really neccessary to entertain the audience?

Tuesday 5 May 2009



The picture above is a table of illegal drugs taken my people and the classifaction they have depending on how bad they are, but are any types of drugs good?


Alcohol is part of the list and most people drink and most people are sensible about the amount they drink, but more and more people are getting in trouble due to alcohol related insidents. That is why there is age limits on when people can drink and are told the senible amount to drink, but does anyone really pay attention to these warning. More and more underage drinking is happening because the teenages find it as a good way to rebel against the system, but is it really the teenagers fault or is it the fault of the person who makes it possible for them to get hold of the alcohol.


When people talk about the "drug problem," they usually mean abusing legal drugs or using illegal drugs, such as marijuana, ecstasy,Heroin, LSD, crystal meth and cocaine. (Marijuana is generally an illegal drug, but some states allow doctors to prescribe it to adults for certain illnesses.)


Medicines are legal drugs, meaning doctors are allowed to prescribe them for patients, stores can sell them, and people are allowed to buy them. But it's not legal, or safe, for people to use these medicines any way they want or to buy them from people who are selling them illegally.

Above is a list of medications, there uses, the advantages and disadvantages from using them. The question is are these medications really worth the risk they may hold and are they really safer than the illegal drugs?

Saturday 2 May 2009


People can we obsessed with many different things, but is obsession can obsession ever be a good thing?

Work: - being obsessed with with work can lead to a
good job which is a good thing, but can lead a
person to having a bad social life or family life.

Exercise and Dieting - having an obession with getting
fit or losing weight can lead
someone to injury and physical
self-obsuse or self harm.

People - the worst can be an obsession with a person.
This can result in making the peron thats
being obsessed over feel awkward and upset.
Obsessed with a person can lead to a dangerous obsession which can escalate to a
dangerous obsession and with this dangerous obession a person can get physically hurt
or worse.

OCD (obsessive-compolsive disorder) - this disorder is charactized by intrusive thoughts and
compolsive behaviours. The sufferer feels compelled to
voluntarily perform irrational, time-consuming, and
distressing physical behaviors. Sufferers often try to
keep their compulsive behaviors hidden from others,
often to avoid embarrassment, humiliation or to avoid
being seen as strikingly odd or different from others. - about OCD.

An obsession usually means that you are totally fixated on something to the exclusion of everything else. This means that other parts of your life can significantly suffer. We need balance and moderation in our lives.

Friday 17 April 2009



The Ancient Egyptians celebrated masturbation because they associated it with the process in which the sun God, Atun, created the Adam and Eve equivalents, Shu and Tufnut.

"With the hand of God, Atun, masturbated and brought
forth the first pair of souls"

The association between masturbation with metal and physical deficiencies was in the 18th and 19th centuries. It was view that over 60% of medical and metal illnesses were blamed on masturbation. The funny thing was the devices used to prevent masturbation.

Anti-masturbation devices:

The Spermatic Truss, patented in 1876, was designed to make erections impossible by binding the genitalia down, 21 years later, the designer changed the truss a bit, making erections possible. The only downside was that an erection would now drive the genitalia against painful spikes.

This device was aimed not only at preventing masturbation, but nocturnal emissions as well. Young men would tie this ring of death around their member, and whenever they became aroused, the spikes would sink into their flesh, causing excruciating pain.

Invented by Frank Orth in 1893, The Timely Warning
was a penis cooling apparatus designed to prevent wet
dreams. A man would attach the device to his penis before
he went to bed. When an erection occurred during the night,
levers opened to allow cold water to flow through tubes around
the genitalia. This cooled "the organ of generation so that the
erection subsides and no discharge occurs." Basically it was like
taking a cold shower, but without the shower.

According to recent studies, 97% of men and 83% of women have masturbated at some point in their lives. This is an increase from the 1950s Kinsey report, which reported that 92% of men and 58% of women have masturbated.

I have found out that despite universal agreement by medical doctors that masturbation is a normal, safe, and common practice, masturbation continues to be associated with embarrassment, shame, and guilt, primarily due to societal perceptions of the act. Yet masturbation is a common and natural function that is practised by individuals of all sexual orientations, genders, and ages. tells about the positives and negatives of masturbation.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

Week 12

I think for week 12 we should take a field trip to one of the dungeons:- York,
because these places give you an experience of the bad things that happened in the past.

For example the London dungeon has: -

boat ride to hell
Are you afraid of the dark? Are you petrified of drowning? Do you hate the feeling of falling backwards? Face your fears with the Traitor, Boat Ride to Hell at The London Dungeon!

Extremis: Drop Ride to Doom
You have been tried and sentenced, now you must accept your fate and let the hangman guide you to the end. A final rush of adrenaline as you plummet into the dark depths to embrace your doom!

Great Fire of London
The Great Fire of London rampaged through the city of London turning everything in its wake to cinders. Travel back to 1666 and experience the burning reality of the fire that left 200, 000 people destitute

Jack the Ripper
The 1880's were a dangerous time for women to walk alone in London. A prolific killer frequented the dark alleys and quiet streets, preying on London's prostitutes

Labyrinth of the Lost
One way in....but is there a way out? Experience the Labyrinth of the Lost at the London Dungeon

Sweeney Todd
In need of a hair cut? Like it or not you're going to have one....Sweeney Todd style and there's always a pie if you're feeling hungry!

The Great Plague
1665, London is riddled with disease, thousands are dying in agony. Disgusting, gruesome boils, cries of panic and pain and shouts of "bring out the dead" fill the air

The York dungeon has: -

Dick Turpin
Discover the true story behind the world's most famous highwayman, Dick Turpin, at The York Dungeon. Find out why the infamy of this daring criminal has lasted almost 300 years.

Ghosts of York
Afraid of Ghosts? You will be when you enter the Ghosts of York experience. A sense of malice and danger builds in the darkness around you before a pale, translucent figure suddenly appears!

The vikings had in their ranks warriors known as Bezerkers, the most crazed and feared fighters whose frenzied nature in battle was thought to be drug-induced. Learn the terrifying story of the Vikings at The York Dungeon.

Guy Fawkes
Remember, remember the 5th of November; gunpowder, treason and plot! Follow the explosive story of Guy Fawkes, from the traitorous plotting of his accomplices to destroy king and parliament through to the relentless torture after his capture.

Implements of Torture
A mischievous torturer will put the fun back into pain! Stretching your imagination with some back-breaking interactive torture treatments! You may just laugh till your head falls off!

Judgement of Sinners
This 17th century judge knows exactly what you've been up to, the court isn't impressed and the punishments will be harsh! You could be left to languish in the rat infested Dungeon or be given a gruesomely fun task to perform...

Labyrinth of the Lost Roman Legion
Enter the Labyrinth of the Lost at your peril! Buried beneath York Minster, discover the ancient fortress of Roman York and Emperor Constantine.

The Black Death
The York Dungeon is host for the return of the most devastating and horrifying disease Europe has ever seen. The plague wiped out over 24 million people, almost half Europe's population at the time!!

and the Edinburgh dungeon has: -

Anatomy Theatre
If you are squeamish at the sight of modern surgery you will be in for a shock at the The Edinburgh Dungeons' Anatomy Theatre. In the eighteenth century, medical and surgical schools were a catastrophic mess of unhygienic barbarism!

Mary King's Ghost
It is 1646 and an overwhelming stench hits you as you enter the mysterious Mary King's Close. You are suddenly struck by the horrific realisation that this is the resting place of abandoned plague victims!

Haunted Labyrinth
Enter the Edinburgh Dungeon's Haunted Labyrinth. A dark and terrifying maze of catacombs that stretch from beneath the Castle, under the Royal Mile and away into the eerie unknown.

Judgement of Sinners
Are you a sinner? If you are, you may be reluctant to enter the Judgement of Sinners exhibit at The Edinburgh Dungeon where torturous equipment lies in wait!

Sawney Bean
Some travellers have gone missing and rumours are flying around that the cannibal Sawney Bean has dragged them deep into his cave, but beware! Sawney has spotted some tasty flesh and is heading your way.

William Wallace
Feel the passion of Scotland’s warrior hero Sir William Wallace as you experience the glory of victory against the English at the Battle of Stirling Bridge.